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What is Constipation?

Constipation is less frequent bowel movements than normal. Hard-working bowels can cause a condition called constipation. Constipation does not cause serious health problems, but due to its symptoms, it can prevent comfort in daily life and cause discomfort. Everyone's intestinal system is unique. Some people go to the big toilet once a day, while others can go twice a day, and this may cause some problems.



What Causes Constipation?

Digestion begins in the mouth and continues with the stomach. Foods that become liquid are absorbed from the small intestine. It passes into the blood after absorption. The large intestine reabsorbs the liquid part of the waste. As a result, stool may be watery or solid. Constipation occurs because digested food stays in the colon for a long time. As the digested food stays in the colon for a long time, the large intestine absorbs a lot of fluid, which causes the stool to harden. As a result, this stool becomes difficult to expel. The factors that cause constipation can be listed as follows:

  • bowel surgeries,
  • irritable bowel syndrome,
  • pelvic floor diseases,
  • drugs containing iron,
  • some painkillers and antidepressants,
  • pregnancy,
  • traveling (may affect as the person's routine changes),
  • consuming less fibrous foods,
  • sedentary life,
  • keeping stool for a long time,
  • low amount of fluid taken daily

Constipation Symptoms

Constipation is an easily understood condition. If the rate of going to the toilet has decreased and it is difficult to pass the stool or if less than the normal amount of stool is made, it is likely to be constipated. Constipation symptoms can be listed as follows:

  • straining while defecating,
  • going to the toilet less,
  • hard stools,
  • the feeling of not being able to empty the stool completely,
  • stomach ache,
  • gas formation,
  • nausea,
  • excessive fatigue,

If you have several of these symptoms, you are likely to be constipated.

How Is Constipation Diagnosed?

In order to diagnose constipation, defecation habits are first questioned and a physical examination is provided. The anorectal region can be examined with fingers. In the next step, the movements of the large intestine are observed with the endoscope. Polyps, tumors or diverticulum diseases that cause constipation are detected. If there is an anatomical problem, it is aimed to correct the abnormality.
Anus and rectum functions are evaluated by applying other physiological tests. In these tests, it is tried to understand the condition of the reflexes of the anus muscles with a plastic catheter or imaging techniques.



How Is Constipation Treated?

For the treatment of constipation, a solution can usually be achieved without the need for medication. For most people, exercising, drinking more water, and consuming more fiber foods will be successful in relieving constipation. It is necessary not to hold the toilet for a long time and go to the toilet immediately. In some advanced cases, medication may be required. These drugs are intended to stimulate bowel movements. In addition, in case of severe constipation, the use of rectal enemas can be provided.

What Is Constipation Good For?

In order to find the elements that are good for constipation, first of all, it is necessary to find out what causes constipation. If it is a drug used to cause constipation, an equivalent of this drug that does not have such side effects can be requested from the doctor. Consumption of foods rich in fiber and consuming plenty of water are important factors for constipation. Daily water consumption should be at least 2 liters. It is also important to consume the following foods rich in fiber:

  • apple,
  • dried plum,
  • green beans,
  • pea,
  • orange,
  • Rolled oats,
  • almond,
  • kidney beans,
  • Brown bread,
  • peanut

In addition to these foods, the use of probiotics should be consumed to prevent the recurrence of constipation.

Constipation Risk Factors

Constipation can develop due to many factors. Constipation risk factors can be listed as follows:

  • insufficient water and fluid consumption, consuming coffee and its derivatives instead of water,
  • low fiber intake,
  • irregular feeding,
  • have a sedentary lifestyle,
  • stress and anxiety,
  • old age,
  • pregnancy,
  • drug use

Constipation and Nutrition

The most common cause of constipation is the wrong diet. Constipation occurs due to irregular and inadequate eating or excessive and useless eating patterns. For this reason, the most important element to prevent constipation is to make the nutrition proper. People who are constipated should consume fiber-rich ingredients. These foods are; kiwi, flax and chia seeds, pears, beans, artichokes, kefir, figs, sweet potatoes, lentils, white meat, olive oil.

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